Gulf flight cites low fuel, lands in Mumbai

NEW DELHI: Is jet fuel becoming so expensive that airlines are no longer able to afford tanking up their aircraft with the required amount for a journey? An aircraft that recently took off from Hyderabad for an over three-hour flight to the Gulf found itself running low on fuel barely after reaching Mumbai—less than a third of the total distance it was supposed to travel nonstop. It then made an unscheduled refuelling stop there.

This unprecedented situation was witnessed on Thursday, December 27, with Oman Air's flight WY232 that was winging its way from Hyderabad to Muscat and was supposed to reach there in three hours and thirty five minutes. But it ended up taking a refuelling stop in Mumbai—which is about 45 minutes flying time from Hyderabad!

Top ATC officials, who say the Oman Air aircraft had flown about 180km out of Mumbai and was over the Arabian Sea when it decided to land at the megacity, are baffled at what they term is possibly the first of its kind fuel emergency ever reported in India. The Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) is examining this incident because of its serious implications.

According to global norms, aircraft are supposed to carry fuel to meet these requirements: make it from origin to destination; divert from destination to an alternate airport in case of a problem at the former and hover at both destination and alternate airport for up to 30 minutes.

Oman Air admitted that the pilots of its nonstop Hyderabad-Muscat flight (WY 232) on December 27 had requested to land in Mumbai for refuelling. But it said the pilot did so as the flight's alternate airport Sharjah was not available to it.

"In this case, the destination airport was Muscat, Oman, and alternative airport was Sharjah, UAE. However, whilst following the flight plan on route to Muscat, the captain identified that Sharjah was no longer legal as an alternative airport even though he had adequate fuel for the flight to land at the destination. In line with Oman Air's policies of always operating above safety standards, the captain rightfully decided to divert to Mumbai... it was done to ensure rigorous safety compliance even if the chances of dependence on the additional safety measure were remote," said Usama Karim Al Haremi, Oman Air's head of corporate communications and media.

However, top ATC officials here are sceptical of the explanation given by Oman Air and blame the airline for this mid-air fuel shortage. "If Sharjah was not available as the alternate airport, why did Oman Air file for there in the first place? Airlines can have second alternates also. Most importantly, if the aircraft had fuel to fly till Muscat, it could have gone there and then declared a fuel emergency to land at any of the numerous airports dotting the region. Dubai and Abu Dhabi are not too far either. We suspect some other reason for this fuel shortage," said a top ATC official, seeking an inquiry by the DGCA so that the aviation regulator of Oman could then be contacted with the right reasons.

The official added that either miscalculation in fuel required for the journey and then tanking up the aircraft or a technical snag seem more likely to have caused this situation.

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Gulf flight cites low fuel, lands in Mumbai